
Embedded Generational Knowledge

Thursday, November 2nd, 6:00pm

Fayetteville Public Library, Ziegler Reception Room

Dyan Youpee, Lakota/Dakota, Cultural Resource Department Director Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux

 SymbolMs. Dyan Youpee represents the Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes of northeast Montana, as the Cultural Resource Department Director and the Tribes’ historic preservation officer (THPO). Ms. Youpee’s father created the department for the Tribes in 1995, and she grew up watching her fathers’ efforts of cultural preservation. Today, she’s a practitioner of embedded generational knowledge, as well as exploring new evolving career practices that she balances with her cultural upbringing. Ms. Youpee believes her work is most dedicated to acknowledging her ancestors buried (her father) and for the future lineage yet to be born.



Fort Peck Tribes | Fort Peck Tribes

Embedded Generational Knowledge - Fayetteville Public Library (faylib.org)




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